Farout Linz: Migratory Birds
"Farout Linz: Migratory Birds" is a cultural creative exchange between Austria and Bulgaria in the field of urban art. The project brings together the international partners Visionary and Farout Kunst Kollektiv for the second time, this time on Austrian territory, to carry out a joint artistic activity in Linz, which had the mission to draw public attention to shared migratory bird routes between Austria and Bulgaria.
Implementation period: 10-17. October 2024
Location: Linz, Austria
Mural Black Stork by JahOne - 75 sq.m. total area
Mural MIGRATORY by Yeto - 90 sq.m. total area
Since 2023, the artistic duo Video.Sckre has been curating walls from the urban space of Linz, and in 2024, under the umbrella of the cultural organization Farout Kunst Kollektiv, they are organizing the Farout Linz project to create temporary creative interventions on the respective walls. At the invitation of the Austrian organization, the two Bulgarian artists JahOne and Yeto, with the organizational assistance of Visionary, are traveling to Linz together with the producer and co-founder of Visionary Delyana Angelova for a 2-week creative exchange.
The project trip of the Bulgarian group to Linz and back was organized with the financial support of the Sofia Program "Culture" - 2024, direction "Mobility", session II.
Photos: personal archive, Julia Heinisch
Project partners from the Bulgarian side: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, JPoint, L44.