Rossen Karamfilov
Born in 1992, he became the youngest poet in the American Anthology of Bulgarian Poetry "The sеason of delicate hunger" (Accents Publishing, USA).
Rossen Karamfilov is not just one thing.
He is a poet. A writer. A journalist. A rebel. A singer. Recognized. Bright. Honest. An irreconcilable fighter with regard to injustice. А мeloman. А Free spirit. And so much more...
Author of the books:
"The Eagle and Child" (2011)
'Stereo silence" (2013)
"Knees" (2014)
"Cerebral poetry" (2016)
"Despite the storms" (2018)
Holder of the awards:
"Rashko Sugarev" (2014)
"Dobromir Tonev" (2014)
"Art against Drugs" (2015, 2017)
"Vladimir Bashev" (2017)
"The soul of a spring" (2018)
"Sofia: Poetics" (2018)
Не translates numberous poems of authors such as Charles Bukowski, Richard Brautigan, etc.
Photo: Mihaela Draganova, part of Next Stop: ART project
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